For the outside fabric, oilcloth or a more durable fabric are best, like a home decor fabric or such.
Cut out a large enough size rectangle of felt and fabric, it should be at least 1.5 inches taller than your sketch pad and wide enough to cover your sketch pad over with a slight lip when closed. This sizing part is really up to you of how big you want the art kit.
As seen above, also cut out a square or rectangle slightly wider than the cardboard backing of your sketch pad but a couple inches shorter: this will be where the notepad backing is slid into. Pin this piece on the left side of the large felt rectangle (mentioned above) with the notebook in place, to insure the notebook will be able to slide in and out snugly.
Sew the two sides and bottom into place to create a pocket.

Sew the farthest right end of this rectangle onto the large rectangle felt (the base). Take your first art supply, in my case, a colored pencil, push it into the felt snugly against the seam you just made, and while holding it tightly in place, sew a seam right next to it all the way down. Repeat with all of your supplies. They will fit snugly which is important so as not to fall out of your art kit.

Take 2) 10 inches of ribbons and, one at a time, fold the raw edge, pin into place, and about half way up the side of the art kit on the felt, sew down the ribbon with a square pattern. Do this on both sides of the book so that when it is closed you can tie the ribbons closed. (An alternative: sew the ribbon into the seam when you did the initial zig zag stitch to bind the book together.)

- Keep one in the car per child for those long trips "over the river and through the woods", for drawing scenery, playing games together like tic tac toe, or drawing a collection land marks as they pass by them.
- Keep one per child in a tote my the door for when you head out to the outdoors with your children and blanket in hand to draw animals, nature and changing seasons.
- Make a kit for everyone in your family with different art supplies in each kit plan times to trade and try out someone else's art medium.
- Make an art kit for a niece or nephew for Christmas and give them something that is homemade and will grow with them, unlike lots of bright flashing toys that lose batteries and excitement with maturing and age.
Try a variety of different colored fabrics and felt, too. I can't wait to try a more feminine art kit for my little ones. Happy creating!
I love it. :) I made the girls some pencil rolls, but I like this so much better. I love that it holds a sketch pad, too. Maybe once things settle down, this will be a perfect Christmas present for me to make for some sweet little girls. :)
Are there instructions for us "glue queen" type people? Anxiously awaiting
This is so cool! I'm really glad you're doing tutorials and sharing your great ideas with the world. :)
What a wonderful idea!!! You are so very talented!
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