I know, I know, it's the middle of December and I'm just now starting some Christmas gifts. May I quote Bobby, "Nothing else takes precedence over getting the house on the market!" Well, it's officially on the market, so may the projects begin!
Here's a great gift idea for your children or a "stay at the in-laws house so all their grand children can match their cousins" gift. It is a personalized memory game. I saw an idea for it once, but it wasn't very durable, just glued cardstock to a photo.
Here's how I did it more durable and lasting:

Mod Podge
will become your friend with many of my projects. It is an awesome sealer and adhesive. I cut and cornered cardstock to fit craft coasters and adhered. Push all the bubbles out when adhering.

Once dry, about 15 minutes, do the same to two of each cousin's photos, per memory game that you're making.

And yes, I adhered the photos from photo paper. I think black and white photos are more dramatic and classic looking.

I then went back and sealed in the front and back with the same adhesive. Although Mod Podge can work with sealing in photos, because my coasters stack together when not being played, they began sticking together. I striped the adhesive off the photos, which left not a trace of damage to them. So
don't seal in the photo side, just the cardstock side and edges.

You can be creative on the memory game boxes. I picked these lid-boxes up at the craft store, painted, embellished, and sealed in with the Mod Podge.

(Well, Tracy, now you know why I needed coasters... but at least Courtney can be surprised! )