Stay tuned for more Shiffler news-- hopefully any day now a new baby Shiffler at that!
Spinning Blooms Mini
8 years ago
Exclusively Shiffler is now The Sleepy Time Gal
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Yeah!!! I'm so excited!! It's great to hear from you guys. It'll be so fun to know what's going on in your lives. Congratulations on your soon to be baby, that's terrific, I'm so happy for you!! I'm also glad to hear about the new job opportunity, sounds exciting. Hope you guys had a great time in the outer banks. My dreams were definitely there. Best of luck and keep in touch.
'Bout time! All the rest of us here in the bloggosphere were waiting with baited breath. Some blog posting tips:
* Never write your bank account number on your blog because "you think it would be funny or cute to see if a thief can hack your account"
* Never use words like "darling" or "for fun/for reals" under any condition in your blog posts. I repeat. Under any condition.
* Post plenty of "baby battle" pictures that show Caroline's superior strength over the other Carlisle children
Follow these points, and you'll be sure to gain a large following in no time. Copywrite BrookstinaInternational.
Cutest Shiffler family! Love the blog! I'm excited to keep close tabs on your life! Caroline looks so grown up! She is absolutely beautiful, you all look so great- we miss you guys!
Just wondering if there is a significance to '565' on your header and all of the teeny tiny illegible print up there. If there is (significance) let us know.
It's a great site and we look forward to more news and pictures--blog on.
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